The Riace Bronzes: A Treasure of Greek Art


The Riace Bronzes represent one of the most extraordinary archaeological finds of the 20th century. These imposing bronze warriors, dating back to the 5th century BC, are considered masterpieces of ancient Greek art. For those approaching this fascinating discovery for the first time, delving into their history and cultural significance is a journey through time, offering a unique insight into the artistic mastery of ancient Greece.

The Discovery of the Riace Bronzes

In 1972, in the crystal clear waters of Riace Marina, on the Calabrian coast, an amateur diver discovered two perfectly preserved bronze statues. These bronzes, known as "Warrior A" and "Warrior B", were immediately recognized for their extraordinary artistic and historical quality. The discovery aroused great interest internationally, attracting archaeologists, art historians and curious people from all over the world.

Description of the Statues

The two statues, approximately two meters high, represent naked warriors in a standing position, with incredibly realistic anatomical details. Every muscle, vein and strand of hair is sculpted with such precision that the statues appear almost alive. “Warrior A” is characterized by a calmer expression and an upright posture, while “Warrior B” displays a more dynamic attitude and a more severe face.

The Origin and Meaning

The statues are dated between 460 and 430 BC and are believed to have been part of a larger sculptural group. It is not clear who the authors of the statues were, but it is thought that they could be works by great masters of the time, such as Phidias or Polykleitos. The Riace Bronzes are symbols of ideal beauty and physical perfection, embodying the aesthetic and cultural values ​​of ancient Greece.

Restoration and Exhibition

After their discovery, the statues underwent a long and delicate restoration process at the National Museum of Magna Grecia in Reggio Calabria. Today, the Riace Bronzes are displayed in a room specially designed to enhance their magnificence, where they continue to enchant thousands of visitors every year.

The Riace Bronzes and Contemporary Culture

In addition to their historical and artistic importance, the Riace Bronzes have had a significant impact on contemporary culture. They have become a symbol of Calabria and its rich cultural heritage. Their image is used in numerous contexts, from tourist promotional materials to artisanal products, helping to strengthen regional identity.

The Riace Bronzes in the Magna Grecia® Collection

There collection Riace's bronzes of Magna Grecia® pays homage to these extraordinary masterpieces. Our jewels, made of 925/000 silver, capture the strength and beauty of the warriors, offering a modern reinterpretation that preserves the historical essence of the statues. Each piece is a faithful reproduction of the warriors' faces, representing a symbol of history, craftsmanship and artistic greatness.


The Riace Bronzes are much more than simple statues; they are tangible testimonies of a civilization that has left an indelible mark on the history of art. For those who want to get closer to Greek culture and take a piece of this history with them, the Riace Bronzes collection of Magna Grecia® offers jewels that combine tradition and innovation, celebrating the majesty of these ancient warriors.

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